Unni Mukundan's crime thriller Marco has made history in Malayalam cinema by becoming the first A-rated film to surpass the Rs 100 crore mark at the box office. Released on December 20, 2024, the movie blends a gripping action-packed plot with an emotionally charged storyline, earning widespread acclaim. The success of the film has led to reports about a potential sequel, Marco 2, which is already generating significant buzz.
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Director Haneef Adeni confirmed that the sequel will definitely happen, although it will not be released immediately. Based on the positive reception of the first film, the sequel will be even more grandiose, with larger-scale action and heightened intensity.
Rumours had circulated about a possible remake starring Chiyaan Vikram, but it has now been confirmed that a direct sequel is in the works. The excitement surrounding Marco 2 grew further when Unni Mukundan was recently seen meeting superstar Mohanlal, sparking speculation that the iconic actor could join the cast, adding to the film's anticipation.
Marco tells the story of the Adattu family, one of Kerala’s most influential gold-trading families, whose lives are turned upside down when Victor, the blind younger brother of family patriarch George, is killed after witnessing a crime. His ability to
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