Marvel fans can rejoice as the beloved animated series, 'X-Men '97,' graces screens once again, resurrecting the nostalgia of the iconic superhero franchise. With the original cast reprising their roles, this Disney++ revival serves as a seamless continuation of the 1992 classic, picking up where it left off in 1997. But amidst the thrill of Season 1's finale, speculation looms: Will there be a Season 2?
Directed by Ray Chase, 'X-Men '97' plunges viewers back into the heart of mutant mayhem, following the aftermath of the series' gripping finale. As Cyclops assumes leadership amidst a hostile world, familiar faces and tumultuous romances resurface, intertwining with the arrival of new heroes. Season 1's relentless action captivates audiences, earning praise for its adrenaline-fueled narrative.
Want a Loan? Get cash against your Mutual Funds in 4 hoursExcitement peaks as executive producer Brad Winderbaum teases the prospect of not only a Season 2 but also a Season 3 in the pipeline, as mentioned in a report by Decider. Marvel Studios' Head of Streaming, Television, and Animation, Winderbaum's revelation ignites hope among fans, assuring them of more mutant adventures on the horizon.
Amidst whispers of a Season 2, reports hint at the series progressing through the animatic phase, signaling significant strides in its development, according to the Decider’s report. With Beau DeMayo's departure casting a shadow, the show's creative team presses