Anand Mahindra recently delighted his followers by sharing a humorous video on his X (formerly Twitter) handle. On Saturday, the billionaire posted a clip showcasing a unique and quirky concept—a Husband Day Care Centre. The video features a facility designed for married men seeking a lighthearted day out, complete with beer and rugby to keep them entertained.
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Filmed in South Africa, the video highlights a printed advertisement for the centre that reads: “Need time to yourself? Want to go shopping? Leave your husband with us!” The ad humorously offers a temporary retreat for husbands while giving their spouses the freedom to enjoy some personal time.
Adding his signature wit to the post, Mahindra wrote, “I only wonder if the guy in the Scorpio drove himself to Day Care, or if his spouse drove and deposited him there!” His playful comment further amused netizens, who flocked to the post to share their reactions.
The video quickly gained traction, racking up over 400,000 views on X. Many users were entertained by the concept of the Husband Day Care Centre, while others appreciated the presence of Indian automobiles, such as the Scorpio, in international settings.
One user reminisced, “I remember planning for a skit during my early