international cricket," Hafeez said."Being lean or oversized is never an issue for me, but you need to work according to the needs of the game. You need to bring your fitness to a required level. We gave him a fitness plan, but he [Azam] could not improve.
You are on the team because of your talent, but you need to respond in terms of fitness. You are the only one in the team on whom we have compromised on the grounds of fitness," he added. Hafeez's remarks came days after Azam Khan's video went viral on the internet, where he can be seen munching street food in New York at midnight.
The fans expressed their unhappiness with how the batter is conducting himself even after getting dropped from the team. Not just Azam Khan, but the entire Pakistan team is facing severe criticism from their fans, who seem disappointed by the team's run in the T20 World Cup 2024 so far. Pakistan received a major setback in its first game in the tournament when hosts, the USA, defeated the 2009 World Champions in the Super Over.