manga series, resumes its epic narrative with Chapter 377, following the passing of creator Kentaro Miura. Fans eagerly await the continuation of the story under the stewardship of Kentaro's colleague, Kouji Mori. Here's what to expect from the upcoming chapter.
Berserk, a beloved manga that debuted in 1989, has enthralled fans with its intricate storytelling and rich character development. Following the restoration of Casca's sanity by the inhabitants of Elfhelm, Guts' quest to rescue her from Griffith's clutches takes a devastating turn, leaving him emotionally shattered. Despite the setback, Guts and his companions embark on a new journey, heading East.
Want a Loan? Get cash against your Mutual Funds in 4 hours Berserk Chapter 377 won't be featured in the upcoming May issue of Young Animal magazine due to another hiatus. However, fans can anticipate its return in subsequent issues, possibly in the following month.
Chapter 376 begins with a vibrant color spread depicting Guts and Puck overlooking the Kushan Empire, a pivotal setting in the narrative. Guts finds himself submerged in water before being rescued by an ethereal Schierke. Meanwhile, Schierke's deep astral journey raises concerns among her allies, highlighting the group's shared goal of seeking retribution against Griffith.
As tensions escalate between Guts' faction and the Kushan forces, both sides prepare for an imminent clash with Griffith's regime. However, each group faces unique