Tamil Nadu has the potential to become the deeptech capital of India-or even the world-through strategic policies to promote skill development and boost foreign investments and global partnerships, officials and industry leaders said during a panel discussion at the World Economic Forum on Monday.
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«We really want to be 'product nation TN', and that's where we are headed,» Tamil Nadu industries minister TRB Rajaa said at the 'Driving Development through R&D & Engineering Excellence' panel moderated by ET's Arijit Barman.
Panellists said investments in research and development (R&D) will be crucial to achieve this goal. India's strengths in frugal innovation can be tapped for sustainable product development as well, they said.
Rajaa said TN's investments in educational institutions and ensuring high-end jobs have helped create a deep pipeline of talent. This talent pool is being upskilled further to meet the requirements of new-age industries, he added.
The minister also drew attention to Tamil Nadu's leadership in promoting gender inclusion, pointing out that 40-43% of women working in India's organised sector hail from the state. He attributed this to sustained efforts under the «Dravidian model of governance» to create equal opportunities and respect for women.
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