Sebi) has simplified the requirements for grant of accreditation to investors by releasing a circular that can be accessed here. For the unversed, Sebi — in August 2021 — released a circular on ‘Modalities for implementation of the framework for accredited investors’ which specified a framework for accreditation of investors by accreditation agencies. Based on the feedback received from various stakeholders to provide flexibility and facilitate ease of accreditation of investors, it was decided to simplify the requirements for grant of accreditation to investors.
1. Accreditation agencies, also known as KYC Registration agencies, may access KYC documents of applicants available with them, and may also access them from the database of other KRAs for the purpose of accreditation. 2.
These agencies will give their approval only on the basis of KYC and the financial information of the applicants. 3. It is vital to note that the accreditation certificate will include the following disclaimer: “The assessment of the applicant for accreditation is solely based on the applicant’s KYC and financial information and does not in any manner exempt market intermediaries and pooled investment vehicles from carrying out necessary due diligence of the accredited investors at the time of on-boarding them as their clients." 4.
If the applicant meets the eligibility criteria for preceding one financial year, the accreditation certificate issued will be valid for a period of two years from the date of issuance while earlier this time period was one year. 5. Additionally, in case the applicant meets the eligibility criteria in each of the preceding two financial years, the accreditation certificate will be valid for a period of three years