Maharashtra Congress chief Nana Patole on Saturday said he had not tendered resignation from his party post. Party sources had claimed on Friday that following the rout faced by the Congress in the assembly elections, Patole had emailed a letter to party president Mallikarjun Kharge and expressed the desire to be relieved of his current responsibility.
«I have not tendered any resignation...rumours are being spread,» he told reporters here.
«Actually, the tenure of MPCC (Maharashtra Pradesh Congress Committee) chief is of three years, and I have completed four years. I have earlier also said that I fulfilled my responsibilities properly, and it is an internal matter, not to be disclosed. The party will decide, and I feel everyone should get the opportunity to work in the organisation,» Patole added.
The Congress leader, meanwhile, condemned the vandalising of a replica of the Constitution in Parbhani city which triggered violence earlier this week, and demanded action against the Collector and Superintendent of Police for the use of lathi-charge against the protesters.
The issue will be raised in the winter session of the assembly that would start next week, he said.