John Leguizamo, known for his dynamic voice acting and comedic talent, has revealed that the beloved animated franchise Ice Age is set to continue with a sixth installment. The announcement, made during a recent appearance on NPR’s quiz show Wait, Wait...Don’t Tell Me, has excited fans of the long-running series.
In his interview, Leguizamo, who voiced the endearing Sid the Sloth in the original Ice Age films, confirmed the development of Ice Age 6. Using his iconic character’s voice, Leguizamo shared the news with enthusiasm: “We're about to do 'Ice Age' six—six.”
This update has stirred anticipation among fans who have followed Sid’s adventures since the franchise began over two decades ago.
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Leguizamo also recounted his unique approach to developing Sid’s voice. He explained his research process by imitating sloths' natural behaviors, including storing food in cheek pouches. Although his experiment to ferment a sandwich didn't yield the desired results, it provided him with the inspiration needed to perfect Sid’s distinctive voice. «I called the director and said, 'Chris, guess who this is?' and he had no idea,» Leguizamo reminisced, humorously imitating Sid.
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