Zanai Bhosle, the 23-year-old granddaughter of iconic singer Asha Bhosle, recently marked her birthday in Mumbai with a grand celebration attended by numerous celebrities, including cricketers and film personalities. While the event was filled with joyous moments, one particular picture caught the attention of social media users and sparked speculation. The photo, posted by Zanai on Instagram, shows her laughing and chatting animatedly with Indian cricketer Mohammed Siraj, who is also smiling while looking at her.
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The candid picture quickly went viral, with fans speculating love brewing between them. Zanai looked stunning in a black sequinned dress, while Siraj sported a black tee and jacket, both appearing to enjoy the happy moment. She captioned the image with “23' done right,” adding a blue heart and star emoji. In the series of pictures shared, Zanai can be seen cutting her birthday cake with her grandmother Asha Bhosle and actor Jackie Shroff, followed by a sweet moment with Siraj. The photos also featured other cricketers like Shreyas Iyer, Suyash Prabudessai and Siddhesh Lad.
One user excitedly inquired if she was indeed the same person, while another asked if she was planning to marry Siraj. Some fans mentioned their interest was