Durov is now considered a tech icon as the founder and CEO of Telegram. The CEO of one of the most well-known instant messaging services was arrested in Paris, and this caused a stir and mayhem among people all across the world.
Telegram has experienced exponential growth over time; but the secretive platform has suffered from backlash and has a negative reputation with governments due to its reckless efforts at content moderation and its purported role in supporting propaganda, terrorism, and misinformation. When Durov was detained by French authorities this past weekend while they were looking into the platform's moderating of purportedly illegal activity, those accusations reached a boiling point. Since Durov's arrest at Le Bourget Airport in Paris, the political ramifications of his detention have grown.
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Emmanuel Macron, the president of France, and other high-ranking French officials are reported to use Telegram regularly. They have dismissed allegations that Durov's arrest was politically motivated. He said in a post on X that the investigation into Telegram's infractions was part of a larger one that wasn't limited to the messaging app. Elon Musk, a fellow tech billionaire and self-described supporter of free speech, replied to Macron's post by requesting additional information regarding Durov's arrest.
The CEO’s arrest has drawn criticism from analysts on Russian state TV and other media. Supporters of the