Justice Krishna S Dixit has highlighted the contributions of Brahmins in drafting the Indian Constitution, citing a statement by Dr B R Ambedkar. Speaking at 'Vishwamitra', a two-day Brahmin convention held on January 18-19 to mark the golden jubilee of the Akhila Karnataka Brahmana Mahasabha, he said, «Dr Ambedkar once mentioned at the Bhandarkar Institute that if B N Rau had not prepared the draft of the Constitution, it would have taken another 25 years to be framed.»
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Justice Dixit noted that three of the seven members in the Constitution's drafting committee — Alladi Krishnaswamy Iyer, N Gopalaswami Ayyangar, and B N Rau — were Brahmins, underscoring their role in shaping the nation's legal framework.
Clarifying his stance on Brahmins, he said the term should be associated with «Varna» rather than caste.
He pointed out that Vedavyasa, who classified the Vedas, was the son of a fisherwoman, and Valmiki, the author of the Ramayana, belonged to either a Scheduled Caste or a Scheduled Tribe.
«Have we (Brahmins) looked down on them? We have worshipped Lord Rama for centuries, and his values have been incorporated into the Constitution,» he said.
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By — Metla Sudha Sekhar, IT Specialist and Developer