Bollywood choreographer Remo D’Souza recently made headlines after reportedly visiting the Maha Kumbh Mela in Prayagraj in disguise to take a holy dip at the Sangam. A viral video captured him dressed in black, his face partially covered, as he stood near a ghat, took a boat ride, and performed the sacred ritual.
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The internet buzzed with questions like, “Is Remo D’Souza returning to Ramesh Gopi Nair?” while others cynically speculated, “Ghar wapsi or just drama?”
Born Ramesh Gopi Nair, D’Souza’s visit to the Maha Kumbh marked his first experience at the event alongside his family. Another video showed him seated with Shri Kailashanand Giri Ji, receiving blessings, further sparking curiosity and discussions online. A comment on the viral clips highlighted his cultural connection, stating, “Remo sir changed his religion but not his culture. He always included a Ganapati song in most of his films; this type of Christian doesn’t bother us.”
The visit also coincided with reports suggesting that Remo’s wife, Lizelle D’Souza, had received death threats. However, Lizelle clarified the situation, dismissing the claims in a statement to Hindustan Times. She explained, “We read about it in the media too. We only received spam emails on our company email ID about an unrelated