Mamta Kulkarni, a popular Bollywood actress from the '90s, has embraced a spiritual path and become a Sadhvi after taking 'sanyaas'. On Friday, she visited Kinnar Akhara during Mahakumbh, where she met Acharya Mahamandaleshwar Dr. Lakshmi Narayan Tripathi and received blessings. Dressed in a saffron outfit and a Rudraksh garland, Mamta engaged in a discussion about becoming Mahamandaleshwar for about an hour. She has adopted the name Shri Yamai Mamta Nandgiri.
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Mamta Kulkarni's shift from a glamorous Bollywood career in the '90s to embracing spiritual leadership has captured the attention of many, sparking surprise and curiosity. On January 24, she will be formally declared Mahamandaleshwar in a traditional ceremony. The day's sacred rituals include her performing Pind Daan at the confluence of the Ganga, Yamuna, and the mythical Saraswati rivers, known as the Sangam. The evening will conclude with her official induction into the Kinnar Akhara at 6 PM, as reported by Aaj Tak.
Let’s take a glimpse into her journey from one of the glam divas of Bollywood to embracing spirituality-
Actress Mamta Kulkarni marked her debut in Bollywood in 1992 with the film Tirangaa.
The actress has worked with Shah Rukh Khan, Salman Khan and Kajol in the film Karan Arjun.
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