accidentSpeaking about the incident, Maharashtra Deputy CM Eknath Shinde said after a ferry boat capsized off Mumbai coast."I've held talks with both the collectors, the police and Navy personnel present there. More than 100 people (were onboard), and 83 of them have been rescued. The rescue operation is being carried out by the Indian Navy, Indian Coast Guard, the Maritime Board and the coastal police.
What happened is unfortunate, however."Maharashtra CM Devendra Fadnavis says, "Near Mumbai, at the Butcher Island, a Navy boat collided with 'Neelkamal' passenger vessel at around 3.55 pm. As per the information till 7.30 pm, 101 have been rescued safely and 13 people have died. Among the 13 deceased, 10 are civilians and 3 are Navy personnel.
Two people who are critically injured are admitted to the Navy hospital. Using 11 craft and 4 helicopters, the Navy, Coast Guard and police have carried out the rescue operations. "“The final information regarding any more missing people will be available tomorrow morning.
The bereaved families will be given Rs. 5 lakhs ex gratia from the CM relief fund. The whole incident would be investigated by the police and the Navy..." 8 crafts of the Indian Navy have been pressed into search operations in the area where the ferry accident took place.