World Pickleball League (WPBL) has officially introduced Pune United, a new franchise team representing the city of Pune. The team’s ownership comprises Bollywood stars Riteish and Genelia Deshmukh, alongside corporate leaders Sudhir and Sunanda Mehta of EKA Mobility and Pinnacle Industries, and Ajeenkya D Y Patil and Pooja Patil of Ajeenkya DY Patil University.
Riteish Deshmukh said, “Pickleball is the fastest-growing sport in the world. Its craze and popularity are unmatched amongst all ages. We are excited to be part of the World Pickleball League which will surely take pickleball to newer heights across India. Our endeavor at Pune United is to champion a team that will inspire players to give their best and couples, families, and communities to come together and embrace this wonderful game and lead healthier and fitter lives.”
Genelia Deshmukh added, “Pune United is serving up a storm. We are excited to be part of the World Pickleball League. Pickleball has the power to unite, inspire, and transform. Our mission at Pune United is simple: to ignite a love for Pickleball that goes beyond the court. We're committed to fostering a culture of camaraderie, wellness, and fun that will enrich the lives of our players, families, and community.”
“We wanted to bring a global sports franchise to Pune,” said Dr. Sudhir Mehta, Founder & Chairman of EKA Mobility & Pinnacle Industries. “Pune is a young and vibrant city thriving with people from all walks of life, students, entrepreneurs, academicians, young professionals,