Shark Tank India Season 4, Anupam Mittal and Aman Gupta found themselves in a heated battle over an investment opportunity in Airth, a groundbreaking air purifier technology. The device, created by IIT Bombay alumnus Ravi Kaushik and co-founder Abhimanyu Kumar, promises to transform regular air conditioning units into air purifiers, offering a much-needed solution to India's growing air pollution problem.
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The founders of Airth, inspired by Kaushik's personal experiences with his mother’s asthma and his background in Aerosol Engineering, presented their innovative product on the show, seeking Rs 60 lakhs in exchange for just 1% equity in their company. «Air quality is a major concern in India, and Airth can significantly improve the quality of life for millions,» said Kaushik, explaining the device's ability to convert any air conditioner into an air purifier.
The Sharks were immediately intrigued by the product's potential. Vineeta Singh was the first to be impressed with the demonstration, appreciating the product's affordable pricing and practicality. Anupam Mittal, however, was quick to stake a claim, offering Rs 1 crore for a 5% equity share. He also asked the founders if they were looking for a co-founder, to which Kaushik agreed. This offer prompted other Sharks, including Vineeta, to step in with their own proposals. Vineeta and Aman Gupta both extended offers of Rs 60 lakhs for 2% equity, with Aman later matching Vineeta’s offer.