Shark Tank India, an unusual business that once charged Rs 4,000 to deliver a Coke to a remote Himalayan village grabbed headlines but failed to secure a deal. Entrepreneurs Karan and Advita presented their luxury concierge service, Indulge, on the opening episode of Season 4. The business caters to India’s ultra-high-net-worth (UHNW) individuals, offering tailored services such as custom travel, fine dining, and exclusive shopping experiences. Seeking Rs 50 lakh for 1% equity, the duo shared that their clientele included 183 UHNW individuals who paid Rs 40,000 monthly or Rs 4 lakh annually, along with additional costs. They also disclosed earning a 5% commission on brand collaborations through customer transactions.
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Despite the ambitious pitch, the judges expressed concerns over the business model’s ethics and feasibility. Anupam Mittal questioned the lack of transparency, asking why clients were not informed about the back-end commissions. Defending their approach, the entrepreneurs stated, “Our clients don’t need to know about this.”
Anecdotes about the extremes of Indulge’s services, including delivering a can of Diet Coke to a remote Himalayan village for Rs 4,000, drew mixed reactions. Aman Gupta was visibly shocked, exclaiming, “Rs 4,000 for a can of Coke?” While the story highlighted the lengths to which the service could go, it failed to convince the judges. Namita Thapar, who seemed a potential client due to her frequent travel, ultimately declined to