During a recent meeting with the PM, Karnataka CM Siddaramaiah is learnt to have raised the issue of 'raw deal that the state received' at the hands of the 15th Finance Commission, which 'lowered' the state's share in the divisible pool of taxes. Siddaramaiah has even written to the PM, demanding that the 16th Finance Commission and finance ministry should not punish states like Karnataka, which contribute a larger share to central taxes, by a 'severe cut' in their share.
Appointment of the next set of central secretaries is due and the air is thick with anticipation. The next revenue secretary will clearly be in the hot seat ahead of budget deliberations. Ministries of culture and higher education and the departments of personnel and training, and public enterprises — currently under additional charges — are also waiting for the key officials.
Andhra Pradesh chief minister N Chandrababu Naidu inducted alliance partner Jana Sena chief Pawan Kalyan’s brother Konidala Nagababu in his Cabinet on Monday. Behind this late-night decision was a lot of balancing. Nagababu had been angling for a Rajya Sabha seat. But Naidu didn’t have much leeway as BJP nominated R Krishnaiah to the Upper House. So, the chief minister bought peace by conferring ministership to Nagababu.