Bengaluru edged out Chennai as India’s top city for women, according to the third edition of the ‘Top Cities for Women in India’ (TCWI) report released by workplace culture consulting firm, The Avtar Group.
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The top 10 cities for women comprise besides the top two, Mumbai, Hyderabad, Pune, Kolkata, Ahmedabad, Delhi, Gurugram and Coimbatore.
Sixteen cities in South India ranked among the top 25 for women, marking the region as the most gender-inclusive in the country.
A total of 120 cities across India were considered for the study and ranked based on an overall ‘City Inclusion Score’ assigned to every city, inferred from Avtar’s research and existing governmental data. The City Inclusion Score (CIS) is derived from three pillars – Social Inclusion Score (SIS), Industrial Inclusion Score (IIS) and Citizen Experience Score (CES).
The Social Inclusion Score is a cumulative score of four indicators: city liveability, safety, women’s representation in employment and women’s empowerment while the Industrial Inclusion Score evaluates the extent to which organisations in the city across industries are inclusive of women. The Citizen Experience Score captures women’s assessment of their cities and covers six pillars: skilling and employment, caregiving support, transport and accommodation infrastructure, quality of life, efficiency of