Wall Street bankers in the last decade, and the Wolf of Wall Street helped popularize the culture. However, with some legal complications around cocaine, bankers are now turning to rapid consumption of Adderall in order to survive their lengthy 90 hours a week work shifts.
Survival and optimum performance during long-drawn working hours is indeed a problem for any employee, and now Wall Street bankers are finding a way out, which is snorting lines of Adderall, which is a popular ADHD medication. If coupled with nicotine patches and energy drinks, employees can survive more than 20 hours at a stretch, freshen up and come back to work in a jiffy. The consumption of Adderall increased since 2020, and has now reached a peak of consumption, and is now getting the attention of federal authorities in the United States.
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For starters, an employee began consuming Adderall every day and lost almost two stone before quitting his job and dropping his drug habit in 2022, according to a Wall Street Journal report. There are dozens of cases such as these, and it is also becoming an issue for the healthcare and medication fraternity as well.
Is Adderall a drug? Adderall is a drug that is used as an ADHD medication, but is often abused by many in order to cut sleep schedules and gain energy for prolonged hours.
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