Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath on Wednesday said the state government will reclaim every inch of land that has been taken under the pretext of waqf. Speaking at the 'Maha Kumbh Mahasammelan' organised by a private news channel here, he claimed that the belief system of Sanatan Dharma represents the world's oldest culture, standing above comparison with any religion or sect.
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«I inherit a legacy that spans thousands of years, with its cultural and spiritual events equally ancient. The tradition of Sanatan is higher than the sky and beyond comparison,» Adityanath, according to an official statement, said.
Taking a strong stance on the Waqf Board, he said, «It is hard to tell whether it is a Waqf Board or a board of land mafias.»
He said his government has amended the Waqf Act and is actively investigating all «occupied» land.
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