Viduthalai Part 2, featuring Vijay Sethupathi and Soori, premiered on December 20, generating excitement among fans. Directed by Vetrimaaran, the intense crime drama captivated audiences with its gripping trailer and realistic storytelling. The movie progresses with the second segment of the two-part transformation of Jeyamohan's short narrative Thunaivan, exploring further the fierce confrontation between a law enforcement officer and the leader of a separatist faction. The illustrious cast features Soori, Vijay Sethupathi, Gautham Vasudev Menon, Bhavani Sre, and Rajiv Menon returning to their previous roles, while Manju Warrier, Kishore, and Anurag Kashyap are added to the ensemble for the continuation.
The film has been met with a blend of reactions from audiences, with some referring to it as Vetri Maaran's «masterpiece.»
Vijay Sethupathi's earnest performance has earned enthusiastic praise from fans and supporters who eagerly anticipated seeing the actor on the big screen again. While a portion of the viewers appreciated the «dynamic screenplay,» others were captivated by the actor's compelling action scenes. Vijay Sethupathi's performance has earned enthusiastic praise from fans and supporters who eagerly anticipated seeing the actor on the big screen again. While a portion of the viewers appreciated the «dynamic screenplay,» others were captivated by the actor's compelling action scenes.
Another user tweeted, " Life Saga of a Communist Comrade, @VijaySethuOffl
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