Shah Rukh Khan’s eldest son, Aryan Khan, stepped into 2025 with style, accompanied by his rumored girlfriend, Brazilian model and actress Larissa Bonesi. The duo was spotted in Mumbai as they attended a New Year’s Eve party hosted by Aryan’s brand, drawing attention with their impeccable style and captivating presence. Aryan Khan donned black pants paired with a classic white t-shirt and a navy-blue jacket.
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Silver sneakers completed his look, adding a subtle edge to his ensemble. On the other hand, Larissa Bonesi brought a touch of glamour to the night, wearing a shimmery pink mini-dress that radiated elegance. She accessorized with a white jacket, silver heels, and a delicate necklace, perfectly complementing her radiant appearance. Her open hair further enhanced her chic look.
As the two walked through the paparazzi to the party venue, their chemistry and style caught the spotlight. Aryan remained surrounded by security, while Larissa kept her interaction with the media minimal, arriving with a few friends. The event was a star-studded affair, with notable personalities like MC Stan, Ada Malik, and Rohini Iyer in attendance. On the work front, Aryan is all set to don the director’s cap for an untitled series which is bankrolled by SRK’s production house. The series will drop in 2025.