Paying all your bills using a credit card can offer numerous financial benefits, especially when the idea is to keep a track of your expenses and building a strong financial records for good credit score. Some people despite having multiple credit cards don’t make use of them. They continue to hold the cards without making any transactions. They are either afraid of bigger bills or they feel that they will pay a higher amount if they start using credit cards for all their transactions. However, this is not true at all.
Spending on your credit cards helps you know how much you have spent or are spending every month. You can even see bifurcation of your spendings and rework your expenses next month onwards. Apart from this, the kind of benefits you get if you responsibly spend on your credit cards are immense. Let’s understand why it makes sense to use your credit cards.
One of the most apparent advantages of using a credit card for bill payments is the convenience it offers. Instead of managing multiple payment methods and due dates, consolidating bills onto a single credit card simplifies financial management. This streamlines the payment process, reduces the chances of missing payments, and saves time and effort spent on manual bill processing.
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Many credit cards in India come with reward programs that offer points, miles, or cashback for every transaction.
Adhil Shetty, CEO,, says, “By using a credit card for bill payments, you can accumulate reward points on essential expenses such as utility bills, groceries, fuel, insurance premiums, and more. These accumulated rewards can be redeemed for various benefits such as