Nikhil Kamath and actress Rhea Chakraborty spent Christmas together in Goa. The rumors started circulating after Rhea shared a series of beach pictures on Instagram, which some users believe were taken in Goa. These pictures followed a sighting of Kamath by a Bengaluru techie in the coastal state. Earlier last year, Rhea was also seen riding a pillion on Nikhil Kamath's bike in Mumbai.
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On December 31, Rhea Chakraborty posted several images of herself at a beach shack, with her followers quickly identifying the location as Goa. One user even pinpointed it as Morjim Beach. While Rhea did not mention the exact location or post any pictures with Nikhil Kamath, her fans speculated on their presence together in Goa.
One Instagram user commented, «Ohho, Nikhil is also there, Rhea is also there. Now the puzzle is complete.» Another asked, “Nikhil Kamath is also there along with [you]?” Some even playfully suggested that Rhea request Kamath to improve Zerodha's services.
On December 17, Nikhil Kamath had shared a picture of himself walking on a beach. While he did not mention Goa, his presence in the state was confirmed days later when he was spotted at a cafe in Assagao, Goa, by a Bengaluru techie.
Kamath’s followers also linked him to Rhea, with one