Ather Energy Limited on Thursday said it has rolled out a multi-language dashboard interface for its family scooter Rizta. The scooter's dashboard will now support eight regional languages — Hindi, Marathi, Gujarati, Bengali, Tamil, Telugu, Malayalam, and Kannada, enhancing the overall riding experience, the company said.
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The rollout begins with the Hindi dashboard, while other regional languages to follow soon.
«Given India's rich diversity and the pride that people take in their regional languages, our intent was to make our scooters more user-friendly. We believe the multi-language dashboard would allow the riders to personalise their scooters in the language of their preference,» Ravneet Singh Phokela, Chief Business Officer of Ather Energy, said.
The multi-language dashboard will be introduced as an over-the-air (OTA) software update to the AtherStack for existing and new Rizta Z owners.
AtherStack, Ather's software engine, is developed in-house.
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