Priyanka Gandhi Vadra on Wednesday dubbed former BJP MP Ramesh Bidhuri's controversial reference to her cheeks as «ridiculous», and said important issues should be discussed during the Delhi assembly polls instead of such irrelevant matters. He did not speak about his own cheeks, the Wayanad MP told reporters in a jibe at the BJP's candidate from the Kalkaji assembly seat as she left after attending a parliamentary panel meeting.
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It is a «ridiculous remark», she said, adding that «all this is irrelevant».
«Elections are taking place in Delhi. Important issues should be discussed,» she said.
Bidhuri had said he will make roads of Kalkaji as smooth as Gandhi's cheeks if elected as an MLA. He is pitted against AAP leader and Delhi Chief Minister Atishi.
He, later, expressed regret over his remarks, which had triggered a row.