BJP chief Sukanta Majumdar has accused the Trinamool Congress party of trying to alter the state's demography by facilitating infiltration of Muslims from Bangladesh. Majumdar, who is also the union minister of state for education and development of the north-eastern region, claimed there are colonies of Rohingyas, an ethnic minority of Myanmar, in and around Kolkata. He spoke on a wide range of issues, including the atrocities on Hindu minorities in Bangladesh, the law and order in Bengal and the assembly elections due next year, in an exclusive interview with ET's Jayatri Nag. Edited excerpts:
Budget with ET
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On 'changing' demography
Trinamool leadership is saying in the open, in front of the camera, that they have asked its workers to facilitate the Muslims and infiltrators from Bangladesh with voter cards and Aadhaar cards. Trinamool senior minister Firhad Hakim, MLA Shoukat Mollah have spoken about it openly. TMC leader Zahangir Khan and arrested Shahjahan Sheikh were engaged in this kind of illegal activities and helped the Muslim infiltrators with voter and Aadhaar cards. During its regime, these kinds of Trinamool hooligans, not politicians from the white-collar jobs or good backgrounds, became leaders and started the anti-India conspiracy. Trinamool is helping directly and indirectly to change the demography of the state.