BSF woman constable under West Bengal's Malda Sector of BSF-South Bengal Frontier on Wednesday foiled a smuggling bid at the Indo-Bangladesh international border, displaying vigilance and courage, BSF said. «Her swift action and sharp decision-making forced 5-6 suspected Bangladeshi smugglers to flee as they attempted to breach the border fence and infiltrate India,» BSF said.
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In the early hours of Wednesday, the constable on duty noticed 5-6 suspected smugglers armed with sharp-edged weapons coming towards the border fence from Bangladesh side. Immediately, she alerted her colleagues and warned the approaching smugglers, sources said. The smugglers, however, continued to move forward aggressively despite her warning.
Even after her second warning the smugglers reached near the fence to carry out their «nefarious intentions and tried to damage it», BSF said in a statement. Realizing the gravity of the situation, she fired one round from her weapon. Hearing the gunfire, the smugglers fled by taking cover of darkness and thick fog. «After the incident, a thorough search of the area was carried out but no suspicious object was found. The possibility of any smuggler being injured in the firing cannot be ruled out,» BSF said in a statement.
Public Relations Officer of BSF South Bengal Frontier N K Pandey said