BJD leader Dipali Das on Sunday said she and her family will soon write to Odisha Chief Minister Mohan Charan Majhi, seeking a CBI probe into the murder of her father and ex-minister Naba Kishore Das. Dipali Das, the former Jharsuguda MLA, made the comment after state Law Minister Prithviraj Harichandan said the family of the ex-minister should make a formal complaint and give in writing for a CBI probe into the matter.
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«We have already urged the chief minister for a CBI probe into the murder of our father. We will also write to the government in this regard,» she told reporters.
The crime branch of the Odisha Police probed into the killing of the ex-minister and arrested a policeman in this connection.
Naba Kishore Das was shot dead by a policeman on January 29, 2023. He was a cabinet minister and held the health and family welfare portfolio in the previous Naveen Patnaik government.
«If the state government is sensitive to the matter and respects my late father without any self-interest, I must request the administration to order a CBI probe into the murder of our father. Our family will fully cooperate with the investigation,» Dipali said.
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By — Metla Sudha Sekhar, IT Specialist and