Manmohan Singh as the Finance Minister of India while P.V. Narasimha Rao was the Prime Minister of India eventually introduced numerous significant reforms which dismantled the License Raj, devalued the rupee and then opened India to foreign investments. The policies chalked out by Manmohan Singh were extremely important in averting a sovereign default while absolutely stabilizing an Indian economy which was on the brink of collapse that was marked by huge fiscal deficits and high foreign exchange reserves.
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These certain reforms made by Former Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh eventually propelled India into the heights of World’s largest economies while he lifted approximately 300 million people out of poverty and also created millions of jobs.
Manmohan Singh always used to put a huge emphasis on the fact that economic reforms are not just a mere response to an economic crisis of a nation, but were actually driven by a very important vision aimed towards prosperity and also confidence in the capability of the nation.
While looking back and reflecting on his legacy, Manmohan Singh always used to express pride in the economic journey which India went through. During his tenure as the Prime Minister of India from the year 2004 to the year 2014, the country actually saw a pretty