Hindenburg Research, the US short seller that mounted an attack on the Adani Group and Sebi chief Madhabi Puri Buch, is shutting down. Founder Nate Anderson did not specify any one reason to disband it. «There is not one specific thing — no particular threat, no health issue, and no big personal issue,» he said. «As I've shared with family, friends and our team since late last year, I have made the decision to disband Hindenburg Research,» he added. He explained that the plan was to wind up operations after completing their pipeline of investigative ideas. Notably, the firm recently concluded its final projects related to Ponzi schemes, marking the end of its research activities.
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Also Read: Hindenburg Research, whose reports wiped billions off Gautam Adani's wealth, shuts down
However, Anderson's announcement comes shortly before the upcoming inauguration of Donald Trump and a day after a Republican lawmaker, Lance Gooden, who is a member of the House Judiciary Committee, asking the US Department of Justice to preserve all records in connection with the Adani case. A week earlier, Gooden demanded answers on the Justice Department’s «selective prosecution» and asked if there was any George Soros connection to it.
Many will find ample reason to believe that Hindenburg Research was beginning to feel the
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