Reserve Bank of India (RBI), its outgoing governor Shaktikanta Das said Tuesday, while underscoring the 'excellent' rapport between the Centre and its money manager and alignment of objectives. Sanjay Malhotra, revenue secretary in the finance ministry, takes charge as the 26th governor Wednesday.
«Restoring the inflation-growth (balance) is the most important task ahead for the RBI,» Das said in his last interaction with the media as the 25th governor of the nine-decade-old central bank. «I am sure Team RBI, under the leadership of the new governor, will take it forward,» said Das, who has had the longest tenure as Mint Road boss after India began unshackling its economy in 1991. As Das completes his second three-year term, India's consumer inflation gauge has touched a 14-month high of 6.2% in October. Murmurs are increasingly audible within the all-powerful rate-setting panel, too, for a cut in policy rates after the pace of economic growth unexpectedly slumped to a seven-quarter low of 5.4% in the three months to September.
Sticking to the Course
Das, who prioritised lowering consumer inflation to within the 4% mandate, said in his last policy review on December 6 that «persistently high inflation reduces the purchasing power of consumers and adversely affects both consumption and investment demand».
The RBI has kept policy rates unchanged since February 2023.
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