Jujutsu Kaisen Season 2 brings forth the Hidden Inventory/Premature Death arc, delving into the high school years of Satoru Gojo and Suguru Geto. This arc unveils a life-changing incident that alters their destinies forever. The friendship and tragedy shared by Gojo and Geto bear striking resemblances to the dynamic between Kakashi and Obito from Naruto, a fact acknowledged by Jujutsu Kaisen fans, given creator Gege Akutami's inspiration from Shonen classics like Naruto. Both duos' friendships were complex, filled with care for each other, yet marked by an imbalance of power and differing views on their respective worlds. Gojo and Geto had contrasting perspectives on the Jujutsu world, while Kakashi and Obito constantly clashed over their values during their shared experiences. Both Gojo and Kakashi were prodigies in their series, earning admiration and envy from those around them. Tragedy struck, leading Geto and Obito down dark paths, where they caused immense destruction and embraced villainous roles. In contrast, Gojo and Kakashi, despite their best friends' betrayals, took on the role of instructors and mentors for the next generation. Ultimately, the parallels between these backstories extend to the fates of Geto and Obito. Both met tragic ends, with Geto dying as a villain and Obito finding some form of redemption in the end. As Jujutsu Kaisen Season 2 unravels the Hidden Inventory/Premature Death arc, fans can anticipate a poignant and resonant exploration of these complex and intertwining relationships.
FAQsWhat arc does Jujutsu Kaisen Season 2 cover?A: Season 2 covers the Hidden Inventory/Premature Death arc, focusing on the high school years of Satoru Gojo and Suguru Geto.Will the upcoming season explore the
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