working moms across New York City, allows them to take paid break time to pump breast milk while at their jobs. Women employees who are enjoying motherhood, will get the additional perk of an entitled 30 min break time who need to pump breast milk while being at work.
Pumping breast milk at jobs no more a hassle with new New York law
Under a new law that came into effect on Wednesday, New York moms will get this perk for up to three years, in order to give working parents the protection they need as childbirth and motherhood should not see their careers get affected or salaries deducted. Governor Kathy Hochul revealed that moms who will be returning to work from now on are entitled to a rightful break time of around 30 minute. Hochul, being a mother herself said that as New York's first mom governor, it was her duty to see that her constituents get the rights, that include breast pumping at work without any fear of salary deduction, or penalization.
Entitled break time for breast pumping cannot be deducted from other leaves
Under the new law, this will come under a paid break entitlement and applies to all public and private employers in the state. Moreover, it has been strictly mentioned that this particular duration cannot be adjusted or deducted from an employee's meal break or other paid breaks, if any, that they avail, according to an ABC report. It is also the employer's duty to inform their employees about this new provision of paid leaves for