Rajya Sabha on Thursday witnessed uproarious scenes in the morning when BJP MP Sudhanshu Trivedi alleged attacks by foreign forces on India's national interests and demanded a thorough probe besides asking all MPs to discuss the serious issue. Speaking on 'Concerns over Suspicious and Conspicuous Attacks on National Interest from Abroad' during Zero Hour, Trivedi cited instances during the past three years wherein issues concerning India were raised by international entities just before or during Parliament sessions.
He cited examples of the Hindenburg report, Covid vaccine report and one on Indian farmers, a BBC documentary, Pegasus issue and a video on violence against women in Manipur during the past three years. He also cited the recent report on the indictment of an Indian business house by a US attorney just ahead of the Winter Session.
«Ever since India is emerging as a strategic, economic and diplomatic power, it has been seen that in the last three years there have been attempts to attack India's established systems and interests on economic and social fronts through activities from abroad,» he said.
He also quoted a recent report by a French publication that certain foreign powers are funding the Organised Crime and Corruption Reporting Project (OCCRP) which also focusses on India and has association with billionaire investor George Soros.
Trivedi also said that it was for the first time that the Russian government had claimed that there was foreign intervention in India's elections, with another