Lok Sabha plunged into protests and adjourned till 2 pm on Wednesday after BJP's Nishikant Dubey alleged that the Rajiv Gandhi Foundation and Sonia Gandhi had links with George Soros and FDL-AP, which had advocated freedom for Kashmir, and claimed the «Soros-funded» Global Knowledge Initiative run by Sam Pitroda bore the expenses of Rahul Gandhi's trips to the US for meeting with some contentious outfits/persons. Dubey's charges triggered a furore with the Congress benches denouncing the charges, with a couple of them briefly walking up to the podium of the Chair, while BJP MPs rallied around Dubey, prompting the Chair to adjourn the House till afternoon.
Raising the issue during Zero Hour in the form of more questions to Rahul Gandhi (who was not present), Dubey asked: «What relations do the Rajiv Gandhi Foundation and Sonia Gandhi have with FDL-AP (Forum of Democratic Leaders in the Asia-Pacific ), which considers Kashmir as a separate country? The FDL-AP is funded by Soros. What is the relation between Soros and Sonia Gandhi? Sam Pitroda, Chairman of the Overseas Friends of Congress, runs the Global Knowledge Initiative which is also funded by Soros, and the Global Knowledge Initiative and Pitroda bore the expenditure of Rahul Gandhi's tours to the US, where he met Khalistanis… What is the relation of Rahul Gandhi, Pitroda, Soros and Global Knowledge Initiative?»
The Congress MPs protested against Dubey's allegations, and in the din, the Chair adjourned the House.
Dubey was called to speak during zero hour on