Saif Ali Khan, who was attacked by an intruder at his Mumbai home, is recovering well and is expected to be discharged in two to three days, doctors said on Saturday. The 54-year-old actor suffered multiple stab wounds, including on his neck and near the spine, in a brutal attack at his house in Bandra in the early hours of Thursday. He was rushed to Lilavati Hospital, where he underwent emergency surgery.
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Doctors at the hospital said the actor, who has been shifted out of the ICU, is recovering well. He is walking and is on a normal diet.
They said Khan is expected to be discharged in two to three days.
«We are observing his progress, and he is doing excellently well according to our expectations. As per his progress, we have advised him bed rest, and if he is comfortable, then in two to three days we will discharge him,» Dr Nitin Dange, a neurosurgeon at Lilavati Hospital, had said on Friday.
He said a team of doctors checked on him and made him walk.
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