Capital markets regulator Sebi on Sunday said it has launched a digital knowledge repository, "Dharohar — Milestones in the Indian securities market", on the occasion of the country's 76th Republic Day. The securities market, known for its diverse products, participants, and institutions, has a long-standing history of organised trading over the past 150 years, Sebi said.
«Dharohar has been designed to document and showcase this rich heritage and evolution of the Indian securities market,» the regulator said in a statement.
The repository features a website that also includes an interactive timeline of significant events and 3D galleries, offering an engaging experience to visitors, it added.
It is designed to cater to a wide audience, including students, investors, researchers, journalists, market participants and the general public offering insights into the market's diverse products, participants, and institutions.
With over 3,000 assets, Dharohar documents the market's journey through articles, regulations, interviews with prominent personalities, historic newspaper clippings, share certificates, infographics, videos, and committee reports etc.
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