HBO’s popular comedy-drama The Righteous Gemstones is set to end after its fourth season, bringing the journey of the chaotic Gemstone family to a close. The final season, announced in July 2023, is expected to premiere in March 2025, marking the end of an eight-year run filled with humour, drama, and critical acclaim.
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Danny McBride, the creator and lead actor of The Righteous Gemstones, shared his thoughts with Variety on the series concluding with its fourth season. He mentioned how this season brings the story full circle, tying together its themes, ideas and characters in a satisfying way.
McBride expressed gratitude for the eight years spent collaborating with the team behind the show and hinted at thrilling twists and significant moments awaiting fans in the upcoming episodes.
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The show, centred around the dysfunctional yet powerful Gemstone family, chronicles the lives of wealthy televangelists grappling with their personal ambitions and the high costs of their extravagant lifestyle. In its final chapter, viewers will witness the spoiled Gemstone children stepping into leadership roles within