Karnataka Deputy Chief Minister DK Shivakumar on Sunday announced that the government won't stop individual New Year's celebrations in Bengaluru, but has declared mourning for government work and offices after the demise of former Prime Minister Manmohan Singh.
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Shivakumar emphasized the importance of maintaining law and order, especially in an international city like Bengaluru. To ensure public safety, nearly 10,000 cameras have been installed across the city.
«For New Year we can't pleasantly stop the celebration, we can't stop individual celebrations, we have announced mourning for govt work and offices. Almost 10 thousand cameras were installed for the safety of everyone for the New Year celebration, it's an international city so we should be careful about law and order and we don't even restrict business fraternity as well. Everyone must maintain law and order, you can consider this as a warning or request..,» he said.
A seven-day mourning has been announced in Karnataka after Manmohan Singh's demise. «A government holiday has been declared tomorrow December 27,» Karnataka CMO said in a statement.
Dr Manmohan Singh passed away at AIIMS, Delhi, on Thursday evening at the age of 92 due to age-related medical conditions.
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By — Metla Sudha