Bollywood superstar Shah Rukh Khan, often referred to as 'King Khan' by his admirers, continues to receive praise not only from fans but also from his contemporaries. Actress Sushmita Sen, the first Indian woman to win the Miss Universe title, recently shared her admiration for the actor at an event, leaving no doubt about her high regard for him.
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During an interaction with a fan at a particular event, Sushmita was asked about her experience working with Shah Rukh Khan in the film Main Hoon Na. Without hesitation, she described him as a true king, a sentiment that resonated with the audience present. Elaborating on her admiration, Sushmita highlighted Shah Rukh’s qualities beyond his acting prowess. She described him as a man who genuinely cares for others, praising his large-heartedness and humility. Her words painted a picture of a grounded individual who remains god-fearing and deeply connected to his values despite his towering success.
The actress also remarked that everything people hear about Shah Rukh’s generous nature is absolutely true, underscoring the consistency of his character both on and off the screen. When the fan expressed his admiration for both Sushmita and Shah Rukh, she graciously responded by acknowledging his good taste.
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