Karnataka Chief Minister Siddaramaiah on Saturday said the state government would amend the existing laws related to money lending business and introduce new legislation to protect the interest of the genuine borrowers. In the wake public outrage against the alleged harassment by micro-finance companies to recover money from borrowers, Siddaramaiah chaired an emergency meeting with his deputy D K Shivakumar, Revenue Minister Krishna Byre Gowda, Home Minister G Parameshwara, Law Minister H K Patil, senior government and top police officials.
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Representatives of the microfinance companies association, regional officers of the Reserve Bank of India and NABARD officials were also present.
Later, briefing reporters, the CM said he took the opinion of the microfinance companies as well as the RBI officials.
«After taking their view, we told them that we won't say not to give loan or do not recover money from borrowers but while recovering money you should not torture and harass people,» Siddaramaiah said.
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