Subscribe to enjoy similar stories. New Delhi: Earlier this year, Varun Sood, Mint’s writer in Bengaluru, reviewed over 3,000 filings from the last 17 years to piece together a narrative on Quant Mutual Fund. Alisha Sachdev, who covers auto, took a fancy to makhanas.
She landed up at a dimly lit hut in north Bihar’s Purnia district at 3 am, just to understand how makhana seeds are popped. And Sayantan Bera, our ace agri reporter, braved north India’s heat wave in June to arrive at a farm in Amroha, Uttar Pradesh, to report on India’s mango exports. Just a few examples that underline what it takes to produce a great Long Story.
Last year, I heard someone comparing Long Stories to a gourmet meal, eaten at a fine dining restaurant. The dishes here take time to cook, with attractive plating and a taste that stays with you for a long time. It’s hard to disagree with the assessment.
We report, write and publish over 200 such stories every year, blending research, domain expertise, facts and data with great narrative. This is a curation of 15 such stories, a collection that cuts across trade and investment to films and beer. They are, in short, unmissable.
Would you miss an official meeting because you had to walk your dog? Well, this happens. Managers across the board, across sectors, and across the world have been grappling with how GenZers think. With their basic needs taken care of, this generation of workers is perceived to have a sense of entitlement when it comes to adhering to policies, processes and standards.