Adar Poonawalla, CEO of the Serum Institute of India, echoed Mahindra Group Chairman Anand Mahindra's views on the necessity of work-life balance. In a lighthearted remark, Poonawalla noted, “Even my wife enjoys staring at me on Sundays,” aligning with Mahindra’s earlier statement about cherishing personal time.
Mahindra, a prominent voice on social media, had previously quipped, “I’m on social media, not because I’m lonely. My wife is wonderful; I love staring at her. I’m here because people don’t realize it’s an incredible business tool.” His comment, delivered at a recent event, was widely interpreted as a witty critique of L&T Chairman SN Subrahmanyan. Subrahmanyan had controversially questioned the utility of Sundays, provocatively asking, “How long can you stare at your wife? What do you do sitting at home?”
The debate around work-life balance gained further momentum after RPG Group Chairman Harsh Goenka dismissed the notion of relentless work schedules. Taking to social media platform X, Goenka humorously proposed renaming Sunday as “Sun-duty” while stressing that excessive work hours lead to burnout, not success. He added, “Work-life balance isn’t optional; it’s essential.”
Rajiv Bajaj, Managing Director of Bajaj Auto, weighed in with a call for better leadership practices. “Let 90-hour workweeks start from the top. The quantity of work hours isn’t the point—quality matters. More than ever, we need a kinder, gentler world,” he stated.
Adding a playful touch, Anupam Mittal, founder of,