BJP on Thursday accused Lok Sabha's Leader of Opposition Rahul Gandhi of colluding with 'anti-India international forces'. The ruling party questioned him on a Mediapart (French outlet) report about news portal Organised Crime and Corruption Reporting Project (OCCRP).
Speaking in the Rajya Sabha, BJP's Sudhanshu Trivedi said: «Is it a mere coincidence that when Parliament is on such reports ((harmful to India)) come out? The report on Indian farmers came out on February 3, 2021 and budget session began on January 29, 2021; Pegasus report came out on July 18, 20221, and monsoon session began on 19 July, 2021; then again budget session began on January 31, 2023, and the Hindenburg report had come out on January 24, 2023; the BBC report 'India: the Modi Question' also came out on January 17, 2023.» He also quoted Mediapart's report that certain foreign powers are funding OCCRP, which also focuses on India and has association with billionaire investor George Soros.
In the Lok Sabha, BJP's Nishikant Dubey alleged that protests in Parliament were being held at the behest of some global outfits.
He questioned Gandhi's US meeting, alleging that he met those working against the Modi government and supporters of many controversial causes, including that of Khalistan. Outside, BJP MP Sambit Patra said Gandhi is a «traitor of the highest order».