BJP on Tuesday asked AAP leader Arvind Kejriwal to clarify whether AAP has any connection with those allegedly involved in sending bomb threats to more than 400 schools in Delhi recently. This came after the Delhi Police claimed that a Class-12 student had sent hoax bomb threats to more than 400 city schools and that his parents were linked to an NGO that supports a political party. The police, however, did not reveal the name of the political party.
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A police officer also said that during investigation, it was found that the NGO had also voiced support to Parliament attack convict Afzal Guru.
Hitting back, AAP accused the BJP of «concocting stories» ahead of the assembly polls and asserted that «no evidence (on this) has so far come from the police».
Terming the police findings as «very sensitive and serious», BJP national spokesperson and Rajya Sabha MP Sudhanshu Trivedi claimed it has also been found during the probe that the student's parents were associated with some NGOs that were involved in activities considered inimical to national security.
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