MK Dhanuka, MD, Dhanuka Agritech, says that in order to make the pesticide available at reasonable prices for the farmers, the government should definitely think of reducing the GST on agrochemicals from 18% to either 5% or at least up to 12% immediately.
The industry tried very hard this time for GST reduction but it was not taken up. What is your expectation? Will it be taken up going forward and if it is taken up, how much improvement do you expect in the industry because of that?
MK Dhanuka: Agrochemical is the only industry with 18% GST, while the other agri inputs, fertilisers, seeds and the agri machinery, etc have 5-12% GST. So, to make the pesticide available at reasonable prices for the farmers, the government should definitely think of reducing the GST on agrochemicals from 18% to either 5% or at least up to 12% they should immediately do that so that farmers can purchase the pesticides at a reasonable price to safeguard their crops from pests and diseases.
Anything else on the industry wish list for the Budget, whether with respect to allocations or some other requests, anything that you guys are looking forward to?
MK Dhanuka: Definitely, greater amounts should be allocated for the agriculture loan to the farmers, subsidy to the farmers for procurement of crops. Our