Subscribe to enjoy similar stories. Barking dogs don’t bite, but a soft growl or a cute purr may set the cash register ringing for their owners. As the social media express races on, a new set of A-listers is emerging in the form of animals—mostly dogs and cats—with large sets of followers.
And who’s riding this gravy train but pet care brands, which are happy to shell out anything between ₹4,000 and ₹20,000 per post for the shenanigans of the adorable ‘influencers’ on popular social media platforms, strictly based on the number of followers they attract. According to data from Qoruz, an influencer marketing tech platform, there are currently 1,205 active pet influencer accounts in India with more than 1,000 followers each. These accounts garner on average 12,000 likes and more than 130,000 views per post.
“It’s amazing to see how the world of pet influencers has grown; what started as just adorable photos of pets has turned into a powerful way to connect with people," said Aditya Gurwara, co-founder and head of brand alliance at Qoruz. “For brands, especially in the pet care space, this is becoming an essential part of their strategy." Mint reported earlier that India’s pet care market is valued at over $1 billion. Also read | Blue collar influencers: An emerging force but their brands are yet to get hot It's not all furry fun, though.
Say you’re in the mood to shoot a lovely video of your dog on a train, only your pet is in the mood to slink underneath the seat and take a nap. Then you can only, well, wait. Plus, the ‘animal influencer’ phenomenon is more widespread in the West, the pace of growth is slow in India, content quality is still work in progress, and the money is way less than what human influencers with